At Family Promise, we believe that housing is healthcare.
As those we serve endure the pandemic’s long-lasting effects, we’re committed to improving our community’s economic, health, and housing outcomes.
Without safe, stable housing, families and individuals are more likely to experience poor mental and physical health, employment, and educational outcomes.
This is especially true for children and youth, whose development and overall wellbeing are greatly impacted by their housing status.
Children with safe, stable housing perform better in school and are less likely to face domestic violence and psychological distress. While for children aged zero to three years old, the stress and trauma brought on by housing instability can cause devastating, lifelong effects, leading to learning, behavioral, and mental health (U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness).
Additionally, those experiencing housing instability—who are likely staying in shared spaces, like shelters or doubled up with family members—are also unable to socially distance. This can lead to further exposure and spread of COVID-19.
When housing is no longer a worry, scarce household resources can become available for other basic necessities, like healthcare, nutritious food, and transportation. Having these needs met can greatly and positively impact a family or individual’s health and wellbeing.
Programs like our Rapid Rehousing and Diversion and Keys to Housing programs help those experiencing homelessness in Morris County transition into housing. The support of a housing voucher and one of our Case Managers can make all the difference in family’s journey toward self-sufficiency.
By donating today, you’re helping Family Promise:
House families and individuals experiencing homelessness this winter.
Connect community members to vital mental health and wellness services.
Increase housing stability and access to eviction prevention services.
Link families to crucial benefits, like WIC and SNAP.
And last but not least, protect the overall health and wellbeing of our community.
Will you help us keep our promise?