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Housing Programs: End-of-Summer Move-Ins

Our Housing and Making Moves Matter teams had a busy summer! Last month, we welcomed five new women onto our Promising Solutions campus, along with a new guest into our Keys to Housing Program.

Each of the five women were precariously housed in Morris County, including several who had resorted to sleeping in their car. However, through a combination of permanent supportive vouchers and Rapid Rehousing (RRH) program funding, we’re so proud to announce that they are now safely housed and enjoying the beautiful space created by our Making Moves Matter team. Their case managers also report that the housemates enjoy grocery shopping, cooking, and eating together.

Check out their cozy new space below!

We were also thrilled to welcome a new guest into our Keys to Housing Program last month.

When we first met Jon, he was living in a tent behind a local strip mall and utilizing our Outreach Program services through our Drop-In Resource Center, Our Promise, and the Navigating Hope Mobile Outreach Unit.

When FPMC staff took him to view his new apartment and meet his landlord, Jon immediately started crying, and the landlord was so touched that he, too, teared up.

We could not be happier for Jon to have his own space; a place that he can call home. The pictures below of his new home speak for themselves!

It brings us so much joy seeing our Housing and Outreach teams coordinating efforts that lead to permanent housing.

The attention to detail and execution by our staff and Making Moves Matter team to create such inviting spaces is beyond impressive. We can’t thank our team enough for their dedication to making every single space feel like home.


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