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Family Promise of Morris to host the Steve Hammond Homebound Hustle 5K & 1 Mile Walk on Nov. 5

MORRIS COUNTY, NJ – On Saturday, November 5, Family Promise of Morris County is hosting its second annual Homebound Hustle 5K & 1 Mile Walk.

All proceeds raised through the Homebound Hustle will benefit programs and services that support families and individuals experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Morris County.

This year’s event has been named in honor of the late Stephen W. Hammond, a long-time advocate of helping people in need within the Morris County community.

Steve Hammond was Morris County’s longtime Director of Public Works and County Engineer and later served on the Board of Family Promise of Morris County, including as its president.

His service with Morris County began in 1970 as Assistant Engineer and ended with his retirement in 2013. During his tenure, he oversaw many key projects for the county, including the development of the former Greystone State Park Psychiatric Hospital in Parsippany-Troy Hills into todays’ Central Park of Morris County.

Steve was a champion for the constituents he served, both through his work with the county and his community. Before joining the Family Promise Board of Trustees in 2015, he was instrumental in helping the agency secure its current Day Center in Central Park, enabling Family Promise to serve even more families experiencing homelessness.

He was chosen as President of the Family Promise Board of Trustees in 2017, embracing the role wholeheartedly as he worked tirelessly to better understand the agency and community’s needs, setting a precedent for volunteer involvement.

The Steve Hammond Homebound Hustle 5K & 1 Mile Walk honors his legacy and serves as a reminder of his leadership and positive impact within our community. On Nov. 5, residents can join Family Promise in raising awareness and raising funds for Morris County’s most vulnerable community members while also remembering Steve Hammond.

5K and 1 Mile Walk details:

Participants can choose between running or walking Central Park of Morris County’s scenic cross-country trail or joining the race virtually.

Check in and on-site registration will take place from 9:00 am to 9:45 a.m. The 5K Run will begin at 10 a.m. and the 1 Mile Walk will begin at 10:15 a.m.; an awards ceremony with light refreshments will follow.

There is a $35 registration fee for both events. The agency is offering an early-bird rate of $30 until September 30.

To register or get more details, visit

Those who are unable to attend are encouraged to show their support by donating to Family Promise here:

Family Promise’s Navigating Hope mobile outreach unit also will be on site on Nov. 5, from 9-11 a.m. In partnership with Morris County, Navigating Hope provides essential services, such as housing support and benefits screenings, in hard-to-reach places across all 39 Morris County municipalities.

About Family Promise of Morris County:

Family Promise of Morris County is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ending the crisis of homelessness and housing insecurity faced by Morris County families and individuals by partnering with other public and private agencies, religious congregations, and community volunteers to provide shelter, affordable housing, case management, and mentoring services leading to independence. Areas of service include Shelter, Rapid Rehousing and Diversion, Housing, and Outreach through programs such as Our Promise Drop-In Resource Center, Promising Solutions Women’s Housing Campus, and the Navigating Hope Mobile Outreach Unit. For more information, visit or follow @familypromisemorris on social media.


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