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Family Promise of Morris County Hosts First Ever Homebound Hustle 5K

MORRIS COUNTY, NJ – 10/12/2021 – On Saturday, November 6, 2021, Family Promise of Morris County is hosting their first annual Homebound Hustle 5K & 1 Mile Walk to end homelessness and housing insecurity in Morris County. By running or walking, participants can support the community’s most vulnerable members as they work to negate the negative effects of the public health and housing crisis.

Over the course of the pandemic, Family Promise of Morris County has seen an increase in, as well as a new scope of, need within the community. The pandemic has and will continue to leave long-lasting impacts, especially regarding the physical and mental wellbeing of community members, job loss and reduced hours, and situational poverty due to unexpected expenses. Those most negatively impacted are most vulnerable to homelessness and housing insecurity; the agency is therefore working hard to mitigate this crisis and ensure that no one has to go without shelter or a home.

For reasons of health and safety, due to the ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, Family Promise is offering the Homebound Hustle as a hybrid event. On November 6, participants may choose between running or walking in-person at Central Park of Morris County or joining the race virtually at a location of their choosing.

In-person registration and check-in will take place from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., the 5K race will begin at 9 a.m., and the 1 Mile Walk will begin at 9:15 a.m.; an awards ceremony with refreshments will follow. There is a $35 registration fee for both events. All proceeds will support families and individuals experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Morris County. For more details or to register, visit

Family Promise’s Navigating Hope mobile outreach unit will also be on site from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. In partnership with the Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance, Navigating Hope provides essential services, such as housing support and benefits screenings, in hard-to-reach places across all 39 Morris County municipalities.

The agency encourages community members who are unable to participate to show their support by donating to Family Promise of Morris County here:

About Family Promise of Morris County:

Family Promise of Morris County is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ending the crisis of homelessness and housing insecurity faced by Morris County families and individuals by partnering with other public and private agencies, religious congregations, and community volunteers to provide shelter, case management, and mentoring services leading to independence. Areas of service include Shelter, Housing, and Outreach through programs such as Our Promise Drop-In Center and the Navigating Hope Mobile Outreach Unit. For more information, visit or follow @familypromisemorris on social media.


Dominique Tornabe, Chief Impact Officer



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